Leading market research management – business for sale
T/O: $900,000 2021 FY ($1.2M 2020)
Price: Expression of interest
The business has a highly credible reputation in the research industry and has started the 2021/22 year off with a solid book of work. Given the portability of the business and its work-from-home workforce, the business is eminently mobile and is perfectly placed for the current uncertainty surrounding a return to traditional workplace practices.
This business organizes and manages all qualitative research session needs from recruitment of attendees/participants to paying incentives, managing pre-research tasks, organizing moderation and booking facilities.
There is a good diversity of clients on the database which are a mix of local and international companies and include full service and specialist market research agencies, independent researchers, advertising agencies, UX & CX consultancies, government departments and corporates across both consumer and business sectors.
The company is certified to ISO20252 requirements and is a member of The Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA).
The business provides participants for all session types:
- Focus Groups
- Depth Interviews (One-on-one, paired, triads, ethnographic, UX/CX testing
- Online (real-time, bulleting boards, MROC’s)
- Quantitative sessions / Hall Tests
Other services include:
- Facilities coordination including home venues (pre-Covid)
- Design of screener questionnaire
- Payment & provision of respondents incentives
- In-home product placement, administration and management of pre-session task
- Moderation (3rd Parties)
The business has a demonstrated ability to recruit a diverse range of candidate profiles. While specializing in mainstream consumer, SME’s professional & Trades, the company also has a dedicated Healthcare/ Medical Professional vertical.
The participant database of roughly 75,000 candidates comprises basic profiling (age, postcode, gender, mobile, email, etc.) plus a vast range of profile identifiers, as follows;
- Allied health – 17 profile types, incl Audiologists, Chiropractors, Dieticians, Homeopaths, OT’s, Nutritionists
- Business – 42 types including all trades, accountants, HR, lawyers, real estate agents, etc
- Consumer – 4 types including, CALD, LGBT, ATSI, mainstream (default)
- Medical – 67 types, including, GP’s, psychologists, plastic surgeons, lab scientists, ENT’s, Neuros, Rheumatologists, Surgeons, Psychiatrists, Emergency medicine, etc
- Nursing – 16 types, including, NUM’s, DON’s Aged care, Emergency, Practice, Hospital, Diabetes, etc
- Patients – 92 types including, Allergies, Pain, Arthritis, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Disabilities, Menopause, Lung, Heart conditions,
- Pharmacists & pharmacy assistant
- Vets
For more information call Rad Benicky on 0411 610 005 or in business hours 02 9413 2977
- Rad Benicky 0411 610 005
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