Import of sporting equipment – B2C – Online Business
Revenue: $1,500,000
Profit: $600,000
Operates only 8 months of the year – great lifestyle business!
Great opportunity to add winter sports equipment as well and significantly increase this business.
Exceptionally well organised and tight business model with a strong reputable brand and a solid operational foundation in Australia.
- Latest trend, affordable sporting equipment that customers love to buy
- Excellent Margins 35%
- Can be relocated
- Solid Base of 5 Product Lines.
- High-quality product standards in place – great production processes and supplier relationships
- Minimal Staff – owner-run – everything else is outsourced
- Can be run from almost anywhere
- Vendor Support – handover training will be extensive, depending on the buyer’s requirements
- Systemised & Automated – walk-in and benefit from the significant time and financial investment made thus far
- Excellent Products – inventory never expires – only quality stock on hand
- Modern eCommerce platform – Woocommerce system which is easy to use and update.
- Secure & Dynamic – a well known and respected brand
- Travel Opportunities – visit suppliers and trade fairs around the world (not essential)
- Business is straightforward to learn for someone without previous industry knowledge. The current owners had no prior industry experience before starting the Business. The purchaser only needs to bring good management skills to support this generally efficient, smooth-running Business.
Future business growth opportunities like opening additional branded stores and or increasing online sales through advanced digital marketing and social media platforms. The current vendors do minimal marketing on FB or Instagram etc.
The Vendor is available to provide handover training of 3 weeks if required, and complimentary phone support.
If you are interested in buying this business and have finance in place please call Rad Benicky on 0411 610 005 or in business hours 02 9413 2977
- Rad Benicky 0411 610 005
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