Company Wanted
Core Business Brokers has been approached by an Australia wide company looking at growing by means of acquisitions. They supply consumables & offer equipment rental to the construction & related industries, have a footprint in NSW/ACT/QLD/VIC & consolidated revenues of $ 120mil & 180 staff. They have asked us to discretely seek and locate suitable opportunities.
If your looking at selling your company that is in the following Industries then please contact Peter Golding for an informal chat on 02 9413 2977 or my mobile 04 14 24 28 30 or email at [email protected]
- Safety products
- Safety or road signage
- First aid supplies
- Drainage products
- Work wear
- Construction supplies
- Cleaning consumables to construction
The preferred target business would have the following criteria.
- Revenues of $ 3 -20 mil pa.
- B2B (not B2C)
- Direct to end-user ( preference is minimise sales through resellers/distributors)
- Supplying construction/utilities/infrastructure/industrial markets (not selling to white collar people)
- Preference to supply a fragmented customer base
- Boxed goods